Weird and Wacky Discs
Jeff’s love of the Weird and Wacky
If you’ve ever visited the store we have here in Brantford, ON. Canada, right near the cash register you will find my curated selection of the weirdest and wackiest discs we have been able to acquire. In a sea of discs which so closely resemble one another, who doesn’t love trying something out of the ordinary! When I pull my Doomsday Discs Landmine out during a round and take a run at the chains from short distance, it’s always an attention getter and a conversation starter. So without further ado, here are some of my favourite weird and wacky discs:
The Doomsday Discs Landmine – Maybe the strangest feeling disc you’ve held, but I would say it’s a good strange. The thick rim fills the hand ever so nicely in a way a polecat or sonic never did. It even makes a funny, almost hollow, sound when it lands. I describe this as my Kastaplast Berg that stays up in the air a bit longer. If from short distance I just want to park it under the basket, I may still go with my Berg, but if I wanna take a stab at a throw in, I go Landmine. When the spin slows down it has more fade than a Berg, but it has the same torque resistance and straightness while it’s cruising, and maintains loft longer.
The Lonestar Discs Superdillo – Not quite as wide in diameter as an Innova Condor, but still huge, and only a close second to being the largest PDGA legal disc I’ve thrown. Unlike the Condor, the Superdillo is flat and maintains the same thumbtrack rim as it’s little sister the Armadillo. I could do a very long schpiel just about Lonestar Discs Victor 1, and Victor 2 putter plastics. They are both the most remarkable thing I have felt in a new putter plastic in a while. They are both on the soft side, with V1 being the softer of the two, and are super tacky n grippy and pretty and often swirly. The Superdillo, in either of these plastics, is a beautiful soft, huge, catch and throw disc. It flies quite understable, but for myself it’s much easier to throw than an Ultimate disc, and with all 180g of it pushing behind it when you flip it up to flat, it has a very fun flight. The MVP Glitch is quickly rising in popularity, and I think the Superdillo can be a fun addition to this category, helping me work more on throwing with a bit of finesse.
Ok. So Doomsday Discs is going to come up so often on this list that I might group some of them. I love these guys. They’re a cool brand that is pumping out all sorts of fun weird stuff.
The WMD (Weapon of Max Distance). The description of this disc on Doomsday’s website is funny enough that I’d encourage you to go read it and I’ll just quickly summarize. It’s not PDGA legal. They’re calling it a 16 speed. Its rim does measure bigger than any other driver I’ve compared it to. Its glide is equally interesting, with the current flight number estimates being 16, 3, -2, 2. And that’s kind of how it flies for me, surprisingly. I haven’t found that I have had the arm speed to make use of the much of the TURN on any of MVP’s 14.5 speed drivers such as the MVP Relativity, but I can surprisingly flip the WMD up to flat from some fairly steep hyzer angles, and with slight adjustments was able to fairly easily get some nice full flights. But the lack of glide was also evident. Even with some strong full flights, I wasn’t breaking any distance records compared to how far I throw other slower drivers. But is it fun? Heck ya. It feels huge in the hand, and it’s funny busting out a 16 speed around players who throw way harder than you.
The Frag. I refer to it as a mini Tilt. It’s bonkers overstable, but a 5-speed midrange. I think of it more as putt and approach because I’ll never get it near the distance I throw a normal overstable midrange. It’s in a fun super flexy plastic that plonks nicely when it comes down on the most likely angle, which is spike. Don’t get me wrong, there are amazing flex opportunities with this disc, with reduced skip, if you commit to your follow through!
The Bunker Buster! I believe this one is in prototype stages, and also is not PDGA legal at this time as far as I know. But who doesn’t want to yank the largest 7 speed ever! It’s in the same size category as the Condor and the Superdillo, but a driver! It’s current estimated flight numbers are 7, 4, -2, 2, and similarly to the WMD apart from the surprise re: speed, I believe the numbers to be fairly accurate. It has a leopard like flight, but again with a noticeable lack in glide. Something about these large format discs! That being said, the Superdillo and Condor both glide pretty well.
The Famine. There are some other quite flippy discs in around this speed range that you can get similar flights from. My appreciation for the Famine and the Plague is about the Meltdown plastic. At first this plastic is going to feel a bit sketchy in your hands, especially if you don’t like softer plastics. It’s softer than G-star from Innova, and has some rougher edges. But if you’re like me, and enjoy softer plastics, you should throw something in Meltdown. It seems to tear out of my hand with more pop. I’ve thrown some hyzer-flips with the Famine that have threatened some of my personal best distances. I almost can’t describe the extra snap I feel it coming off my hands with. The Famine has not been PDGA approved yet at this time as far as I know.
Divergent discs have put out two great discs in their super soft stayput plastic. The Golem isn’t super new, but especially in the glow plastic which is even a slight bit softer, I’m seeing a rise in popularity. It is a very serviceable overstable putt and approach disc. It’s flight numbers are pretty accurate at 4,2,0,3.5. It’s a bit more overstable than your Zone, Tactic, or Pig. It has a thick enough outer rim that it is very forehandable despite how floppy the plastic is. It could be considered an essential disc by those who frequent a course with high slope greens. It’s fantastic for plopping under baskets.
And then the Divergent Wyrm. I haven’t had as much time to test drive this disc yet, but I love it and bag it. It’s a super floppy Tilt. It’s as meaty as they come, but again, in the super floppy Stayput plastic. I’m imagining very committed flex shots in the woods where I don’t need to worry about a huge flare skip. I also throw a lot of overhands that get too much ground play on firm greens, and am considering trying Wyrm for these too.
The Innova Makani! Ever wanted to throw a beach disc as part of your PDGA sanctioned event? I didn’t realize the Makani was PDGA legal at first. They’re cool looking, come in Glow plastic.
The Quest AT Raging Inferno and T-bone. Are your golf discs missing a key piece of golf ball technology? Dimples? Maybe! I think these discs might not be in production any longer. The plastic leaves some to be desired in terms of hand feel. The Raging Inferno’s estimated glide of 12 might be questionable. But these discs are perfectly serviceable and fly nice……and have dimples.
Dino Discs. They are an entire line of discs geared towards the youngest and least powerful of players. The discs all weigh in the ballpark of 120g-130g, and are also quite understable, making some of the easiest to throw discs of all time. They are not PDGA legal. For an adult player, these might throw like a mini marker disc. But with the slightest flick of the wrist, 200 ft putts are a possibility. For kids, all of these discs come with fun dinosaur stamps and colourful, sparkly, spackled, egg-shell like plastic designs.
AGL discs Ivy. I think this is the lightest one I’ve seen. It’s not PDGA legal. It’s my understanding it was designed for junior players. It has a very unique and strange 2 step rim. It is smaller in diameter. Despite only weighing in at 105g, it is very surprisingly capable of a lot even for an adult thrower. It is very surprisingly stable despite it’s weight, with a good fade. It certainly holds a very unique spot in disc design.
Signing off
Jeff @ True North